"To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle, requires creative imagination and marks real advance in science."
- Albert Einstein
Desk research to understand the relevant market environment
Contextualize primary research data already available with Client
Interaction with key stakeholders in the company and distribution channel
Economy of questions
Fit for Purpose Sampling Technique
Optimized Sample Design
Consumer immersion - Customers are the most effective consultants; to bring alive the research insights
Small qualitative module - Knowing the consumer parlance in research instrument development
Pilots - Mandatory testing of the research instrument
Using the right analytical tools at each stage of the Consumer Buying Cycle
Segmentation based approach rather than Means- Believing in the Power of deviant analysis
Digital - Social listening and Social marketing evaluation
Use the medium which the respondents use to communicate - Mobile and online surveys
Technology usage for research monitoring and quality control
Presence of senior researchers at each level of the research